Tag Archive | Gospel Symbol

The Birthday Gift (Spoiler Alert)

Timing was perfect to launch my new book, The Birthday Gift, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic while people felt they were still somewhat safer-at-home, while others were somewhat bored or perhaps even somewhat fearful of the unknown. Who wouldn’t spend a mere $0.99 cents to purchase an eBook advertised as being an exceptionally thought provoking story of heartbreak and hope? Even the book trailer made you feel like this was a great alternative to fill the void of not being able to indulge in a new movie at the theatre on Friday night. Just watch this:

Everything was still kind of shutdown or just starting to reopen, so I hoped this would be a great weekend to persuade people to take a chance on spending a dollar and discovering this new (movie)… book which was exactly what they needed during these unprecedented times. It would literally have the power to change their lives. All they had to do was download the eBook and start reading instantly. Many told me they read the whole book in one sitting after getting hooked from the very beginning!

Why drop everything and read this book right now?

Because it really can change your life!

Just look at the reviews people are leaving on Amazon.

So what’s inside the book? Here’s the beginning of the spoiler alert:

And this is the full blown spoiler…

The Gospel Symbol, created by Terry Gurley
  • The Birthday Gift is indeed an exceptionally thought-provoking and intriguing story that will uplift and inspire you.
  • It will hook you from the very first page and compel you to continue reading until the very end.
  • You will become emotionally attached to the passionate characters and feel like they are part of your family.
  • If you don’t typically read fiction, you will be glad you gave this book a chance because it takes you on an emotional journey you won’t soon forget.
  • As K. Young said, you will love how the storyline was written, and the fact that it was intertwined with such messages of love, grace, heartache, forgiveness and so much more.
  • The message inside the book is exactly what we all need to be reminded of, especially during such a time as this. That message is JESUS! He is the greatest gift of all!
  • The actual “Birthday Gift” is the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed below in this beautiful Gospel Symbol created by artist, Terry Gurley, the author of the afterword in the book.

The Final Spoiler Alert

The Gospel Symbol, a sculpture created by Terry Gurley

So as the world continues to reopen while fighting this novel coronavirus, we will face the reality of a new sense of normalcy. Through it all, rest assured that one thing will ALWAYS remain the same, the gospel of Jesus Christ. In our search for answers and quest to decipher fact versus fear, remember that FAITH is the key that unlocks the door. There is no mystery and absolutely no failure in God!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Purchase the book here on Amazon, and keep reading all the way to the very last page. Everything suddenly becomes abundantly clear, and you will discover the very best birthday gift ever!

Click the [FREE PREVIEW] button above to take a look inside the first few chapters of the book.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

As for the virtual book launch party on Facebook, we had a lot of fun and games as people enjoyed reading the eBook for the very first time. I gave away over $500 in Amazon gift cards, and one lucky attendee walked away with the grand prize, an exact replica of the actual birthday gift. Terry Gurley created a stunning framed presentation of the Gospel Symbol, both the artistic rendition and sculpture just like the ones pictured above in the spoiler alerts. The winner said, “These are just gorgeous. Terry totally outdid himself. They are just beautiful. I can’t wait to hang them. I will have to show these off for sure!”

And thanks to everyone who helped make the book launch a huge success. Because of YOU, The Birthday Gift debuted May 1-2, 2020 and made 2 separate outstanding lists on Amazon, their best-selling “hot new releases” and most popular “gift ideas”.

If you’ve read the book, please let me know what you think. I would love for you to share your thoughts on Amazon by leaving a review. Those reviews will help other people discover the book by increasing the chances of it appearing in general searches.

Thank you very much for your encouragement and support! I feel the love and hope you share it with others just like this person did. Here’s a text I received during the launch.